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Perspective is Everything!!

Perspective is everything. Isn’t it!?!


Our world has changed. Loss is happening all around us.

We all feel, cope & handle things differently.

And that’s ok. It’s ok to feel however you feel.

But, sometimes just flipping the switch helps. I, myself, was dwelling too much on the dark for awhile & perhaps I needed that too.

However, I’ve moved back toward the light.

Change the way you look at things & the things you look at change.

If we flip the switch here, we can look at the ability to stay home in safety as an opportunity & a gift. We can look at this extra time as a blessing rather than a curse.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying anything going on in the world right now is great. It’s not, and like you I am fearful, sad & anxious. Our lives, dreams, businesses & careers has been altered. It’s scary & uncertain. But, maybe we can use some of this time in a positive way.

Time is still passing regardless. Every day is still a gift. We don’t have control of everything, like we’ve always presumed. But, we do still have control of our time, thoughts & actions.

We can be grateful for the ability to slow down & breathe even if it wasn’t planned or expected. We can be reminded to appreciate our health & work on getting better at taking care of ourselves. We can be thankful for a warm home, fresh air & solitude. We can spread love, kindness & be the light for those who need it.

Today I urge you to flip the switch, take a different perspective. We ‘get to stay home & stay safe’. We get to rest more & use our additional time to grow & learn. We get to choose gratitude & positivity .. we don’t have to but we get to & that is a gift all it’s own.

“When life is sweet, say thank you & celebrate. When life is bitter, say thank you & grow.”

Until next time,

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