Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!!
2017 was a great year.
It wasn’t without it’s obstacles of course, but then when is life ever without them. I try my hardest to always reflect on the bump in the road and determine it’s purpose. Chances are if you stay on the positive side, it is an opportunity to grow stronger & learn something new.
I’m very thankful for the strength this year has given me not just physically but mentally as well. I'm thankful for what I've learned, the things I've accomplished & the people who have come into my life.
I’m also extremely grateful and beyond happy that I get to do what I am most passionate about for a living. I get to have a positive impact on the lives of women who trust me to help guide them on their journey to health & fitness. It is both a privilege & an honour.
Each year as I sit & look back, I’m always in awe with how quickly the time has passed, the adventures taken & also with how much I’ve grown and learned as a person, entrepreneur, wife, etc.

My advice for you as you move into the new year is simple. Take time to appreciate the little things. Let go of fear and try something new. Take the adventure, go after your dreams & stay positive. The time is going to pass regardless, use the bumps in the road to learn something new about yourself & other people. Stay strong, be kind & live life fully.
All the best in 2018. Cheers.
Wishing you peace, love & joy in the coming year.
May you find everything you’re looking for.
Much Love,
Melissa (Fitgirlsrock) xo